For development, single mode should be good enough. Project setup will include configuring the Ruby. For me the cluster mode does not work for remote debugging, where you’ll have errors like “terminating timed out worker”. In this video, well show you how to open and set up an existing Ruby on Rails project in RubyMine. One more caveat worth mentioning is that you need to be sure the web server puma starts in single mode. The breakpoint is hit as shown below, where you can inspect variables, etc. Go to browser with URL: (Note port 3080 is mapped from 3000, see above the command of starting the docker container) Now, you can set breakpoints in RubyMine, and start remote debugging it :-)
Provide a path to the Ruby executable, for example. home/ user-name /.rbenv/versions/ X.X.X /bin/ruby for Ruby installations using rbenv. In the Ruby SDK and Gems page, click the + button and select New remote: 3. 1: Open the Settings / Preferences 2: In the Ruby SDK and Gems page, click the + button and select New remote: 3: Provide a path to the Ruby executable, for example: /home/ user-name /.rvm/rubies/ruby- X.X.X /bin/ruby for Ruby installations usin rvm. => Run `rails server -h` for more startup options Rubymine, add a Ruby interpreter using WSL.
=> Rails 5.1.4 application starting in development home/hello_rails# rdebug-ide -host -port 1234 -dispatcher-port 26162 - bin/rails sįast Debugger (ruby-debug-ide 0.6.0, debase 0.2.2.beta10, file filtering is supported) listens on